Ueber die Verbindungen gasförmiger Körper eines mit dem andern. Frei übersetzt von Gilbert. (+) Ueber den salpetersauren Dampf und über das Salpetergas als eudiometrisches Mittel. Frei übersetzt von Gilbert. (2 papers).

Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1810. Without wrappers as published in "Annalen der Physik. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert", Bd. 36, Neuntes Stück. The entire issue offered (=Heft 9). Titlepage to vol. 36. Pp. 1-112. a. 2 engraved plates. Gay-Lussac's papers: pp. 6-36 a. pp. 37-51.

First German edition of this classic paper in chemistry in which he states the law, that when two gases combine chemically, they do so that the volumes are in the ratio of whole small numbers.

"In 1805, with Alexander von Humboldt he observed the already known fact that hydrogen and oxygen combines in the ratio of 2 to 1 by volume. Stimulated by this work he studied the reactions of other gases to see whether there were other simple relationshipas, and in 1808 he announced the la of combining volumes, which is now known as GAY-LUSSAC'S LAW, This generalization, obviously connected with some fundamental property of matter, was in part responsible for Avogadro's hypothesis."(Leicester & Klickstein).

Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1809 C. - Leicester & Klickstein "A Source Book in Chemistry" pp. 292 ff.

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