Experimental Researches on the Electric Discharge with the Chloride of Silver Battery. Part I-III. (I. The Discharge at Ordinary atmospheric Pressures. Read December 13, 1877. - II. The Discharge in Exhausted Tubes. Read May 16, 1878. - III. Tube-Potential; Potential at a Constant Distance and various Pressures; Nature and Phenomena of the Electric Arc. Read November 20, 1879). (3 Papers).

(London, Harrison and Sons, 1878, 1878 a. 1880). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions", Vol. 169, 1878 a. Vol. 171, 1880. Pp. 55-121, textillustr. a. 3 plates - pp. 155-241, textillustr. a. 4 plates facsimiles of photographs - pp. 65-116, textillustr. a. 3 plates, facsimiles of photographs. Last leaf in part III with a tear, no loss. 4 plates with a faint dampstain to margin not affecting images. Otherwise clean and fine.

First printing of these papers, the conclusions of which represents an importent step towards televison. (Siers "Early Televison", Nos 80, 97 a. 119).

"Part I. of this remarkable research deals chiefly with the striking distance in air and different gases under vaying conditions and terminals; battery of 1,800 and 11,000 chloride of silver cells used; reference to O'Shaughnessy's cell. Part II. is an experimental study of the electrical discharge on "exhausted tubes". One of the conclusions in Part III. is that "the electric arc and the stratified discharge in vacuum tubes are modifications of the same phenomenon". In these researches, a battery of 10,000 chloride of silver cells was used."(Wheeler Gift No. 3776 b).

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