Ueber einige Stellen der Schrift von Helmholtz "über die Erhaltung der Kraft"; (and Helmholtz:) Erwiederung auf die Bemerkungen von Hrn. Clausius; (and Clausius:) Ueber einige Stellen der Schrift von Helmholtz "über die Erhaltung der Kraft", zweite Notiz. (3 papers).

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1853-54. No wrappers. "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff", Vol. 89, No 8 and vol. 91 No 2 a. 4. Pp. 497-628, pp. 161-320 a. pp. 497-628 a. 1 folded plate. (3 entire issues offered). Clausius's papers pp. 568-579 (vol. 89, "Heft" 8) a. pp. 601-604 (vol. 91,"Heft" 4). Helmholtz paper: pp. 241-260 (vol. 91, "Heft" 4). With titlepages to both volumes 89 a. 91. All three issues clean and fine.

First printing of the 3 main papers in the famous Helmholtz-Clausius controversy about the principle of the "Conservation of Energy". His reply to Clausius contains very importent additons to his conservation law, as it clarifies his use of the concepts of "energy", "vis viva", "electrical tension" , "potentials" etc.

Helmholtz famous work Über die Erhaltung der Kraft" from 1847 gave the first comprehensive statement of the first law of thermodynamics: All modes of energy, heat, light, electricity, and all chemical phenomena, are capable of transformation from one to the other but are indestructible and cannot be created. Clausius (in the papers offere) critized helmholtz on his theory of heat over the consistency of the physical interpretation and of the use mathematics. He argued that Helmholtz's demonstration of his conservation law was valid only for Helmholtz's particulat model of matter, and that he had not understood the notion of the potential. This criticism lead Helmholtz expand and clarify the central concepts of physics, importent steps in the history of theoretical physics.

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