On Voltaic Combinations. In a Letter addressed to Michael Faraday. Received January 26, - Read February 11, 1836. (+) Additional Observations on Voltaic Combinations. In a Letter to Michael Faraday. Received April 14, - Read April 21, 1836. (2 Papers).

London, Richard Taylor, 1836. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1836 - Part I. Pp.107-124 and 1 engraved plate. + Pp. 125-129 and 1 engraved plate. Both plates with a dampstain in upper part, not reaching the image. With titlepage to Part I of theTransacti

First appearance of Daniell's first paper on the construction of the famous "Daniell-Cell", in which he announced his invention of the battery, THE FIRST RELIABLE SOURCE OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. In the new invention by Charles Wheatstone of the electric telegraph in 1837, the Daniell cell was used as the electric source.

In 1831 Daniell was appointed profesor of Chemistry at King's College London. He invented several scientific instruments, including a hygrometer for measuring humidity he is best known for his work in electrochemistry, his interests having been aroused by the work of his good friend Faraday. Volta's battery had the defect of rapid diminution in current. What was needed, however, was a battery yielding a constant current over a considerable lenght of time. In 1836 Daniell succeeded, producing the Daniell cell, of copper and zinc. his was the first reliable source of electric current.
Parkinson "Breakthroughs" 1836 P.

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