Zur Quantenmechanik des magnetischen Elektrons.

(Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927.) Recent marbled boards. Extracted from "Zeitschrift der Physik, Bd. 43", pp. 601-623.

First edition. Upto this paper, the formulation of quantum mechanics, the material particles were considered as characterized by positional coordinates only. It now became an urgent task to incorporate the phenomenon indicated by the term 'spin' into the new sscheme of things. The initial step was taken by Pauli himself - in the paper offered - who proposed that the wave function of an electron, besides being by the continously variable positional coordinates, should be considered as also depending on a spin variable, capable of two values only...Thereby Pauli paved the way for the relativistic theory of the electron and of hydrogen-like atoms which we owe to Dirac. (R. Kronig in Memorial Volume to Wolfgang Pauli).

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