Die Plancksche Theorie der Strahlung und die Theorie der spezifischen Wärme: (Withbound:) Über die Gültigkeitsgrenze des Satzes vom thermodynamischen Gleichgewicht und über die Möglichkeit einer neuen Bestimmung der Elementarquanta; (Wirhbound:) Berichtigung zu meiner Arbeit: "Die Plancksche Theorie der Strahlung etc.";

Berlin, J.A. Barth, 1907. Contemp. hcloth. Light wear to top of spine. "Annalen der Physik. Vierte Folge. Band 22", Engraved portrait of Pierre Curie. VIII,1016 pp. and 4 plates. Einstein papers. pp. 180-190, pp. 569-572 and p.800. Internally clean and fine. The whole volume offered.

All papers in first edition. "From 1905 through 1909 Einstein published five major papers on the hypothesis of energy quanta, its theoretical implications, and its use in the explanation of various phenomena. Among these papers we have his importent paper "Die Plancksche..." and in his second paper from 1906d he asserted that Planck's derivation implicitly assumes quantification of the enrgies of charged oscillators. Now (in the paper offered) he returned to this question, showing that, if the structure function in phase space he had introduced earlier is assumed to restrict the oscillators to orbits with energies that are integral mulætiples of 'hv', then the average oscillator energy in a canonical ensemble yealds Planck's law, when substituted in eg. The works contains the first systematic introduction of probability factors in the mathematics of Quantum Theory.
The second paper represents Einstein's third stage in dealing with brownian motion. He had previous explained the zigzag motion of suspended particles and looked as this penomenon from a more general angle. In the present investigation he extends his reults to all macroscopic parameters by giving a general principle for the calculation of theit fluctuations. Weil: nos 15 (1-2 with an asterix) a. 16.

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