Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen. Zweite, durchgesehene Auflage der "Intelligenzprüfungen an Anthropoiden I" Mit 7 Tafeln und 19 Skizzen.

Berlin, Julius Springer, 1921. Lex8vo. Orig. hcloth. Light wear to top of spine. Stamps to foot of titlepage. Frontispiece. (4),194 pp., 7 plates, textillustr.

Second, but revised edition of this classic study of the learning process of the anthropoid apes done on the island of Teneriffe.

"Köhler argued, in opposition to Thorndike, that an ape learns relations among stimuli and not only the connection between stimulus and response, that it can modify its behaviour merely by perceiving a situation in a novel way and not only from the effect of its actions, and that learning sometimes proceeds by discontinous improvements in performance and not only by the gradual building up of correct connections. This last process was called "insight" by Köhler." (Herrnstein & Boring "A Source Book in the History of Psychology", p. 569 ff (No 102, for the first edition of 1917))

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