Sur une famille de tests asympopiques des hypotheses statistiques composees (+) Philosophical anlysis of 'objective' probability in science (+) An optimistic model of the correlation between light and severe accidents (+) True or false contagion (+) Existence of consistent estimates of the directional paramter in a linear structural relation between two variables (+) Consistent estimates based on partially consistent observation (+) Basic ideas and the theory of testing statistical hypotheses (+) On a new class of "contagious" distributions, applicable in entomology and bacteriology (+) Contribution to the study of the abundance of multiple galaxies (+) The index of clumpiness of the distribution of images of galaxies (+)Spatial distribution of galaxies - analysis of the theory of fluctuations (+) Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical statistics and probability 1955 & 1960 (+) On the inapplicability of the theory of fluctuations to galaxies (+) Silver jubilee of my dispute with Fisher (+)Contribution to the theory of the X2 test (+) Stochastic approach to cosmology.

[Various places and printer], 1935 -1962. Collection of 17 offprint from various academic journals. All with wrappers (or as issued) and in fine condition. Contained in a black kassett.

Collection of Polish mathematician and statistician Jerzy Neyman famous for being the first to introduce the modern concept of a confidence interval into statistical hypothesis testing.

Order-nr.: 48855

DKK 3.000,00