Theorie der Luftschwingungen in Röhren mit offenen Enden.

Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1860. 4to. Hcalf, but spine gone and covers loose. In: "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik Crelle/Borchardt", 57. Band. IV,375,(1) pp. (Entire volume offered). Helmholtz' paper: pp. (1-) 72. A small brownspot to page one.

First printing of Helmholtz' groundbreaking work on the aerial vibrations in tubes. Together with his work on Vortex Motion (Ueber Integrale der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen, welche den Wirbelbewegungen entsprechen) from 1858 it "must be reckoned among the most brilliant of Helmholtz's mathematical achievements, only rivalled, and perhaps surpassed, by the work of the last ten years of his life."(Leo Koenigsberger, p. 180 ff).

The paper was reprinted in Ostwald's Klassiker Nr. 80.

The volume contains further importent papers by Clebsch, C. neumann, Borchardt, Cayley, Hesse, Hermite, Kronecker, Kummer etc.

Order-nr.: 47154

DKK 4.500,00