Über die Auflösung der allgemeine Gleichungen fünften und sechsten Grades (+) Bericht über den Stand der Herausgabe von Gauss' Werken. Sechster Bericht.

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1905. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers, without backstrip. In "Mathematische Annalen, 61. Band, 1. Heft, 1905". Fine and clean. [Klein:] Pp. 50-71; Pp. 72-76. [Entire issue: IV, 160 pp].

First printing of Felix Klein's paper on how to solve fifth and sixth degree equations. Klein considered equations of degree > 4, and was especially interested in using transcendental methods to solve the general equation of the fifth degree. Building on the methods of Hermite and Kronecker, he produced similar results to those of Brioschi and went on to completely solve the problem by means of the icosahedral group. This work led him to write a series of papers on elliptic modular functions, the present paper being one of the last and concluding.

As editor of Mathematische Annalen Felix Klein set himself the task of collecting previously unstudied material of Gauss. He organized a campaign to collect materials and enlisted experts in special fields to study them. From 1898 until 1922 he rallied support with fourteen reports, published under the title "Bericht über den Stand der Herausgabe von Gauss' Werken,". The present being the sixth.

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