Saxonis Grammatici Danorum Historiae libri XVI, tre centis abhinc annis conscripta, tanta dictionis elegantia, rerung. gestarum varietate, ut cum omni vetustate contendere optimo iure videri possint. Accessit rerum memorabilium Index locupletissimus. Des. Erasmi Roterodami de Saxone censura.

Basel, Io. Bebelium, 1534. Folio. Smukt nyere helldrbd. i flammet kalv, ophøjede bind på ryg udført i gl. stil. (16),189 blade. Titelbladet opsat med lidt skjolder og reparationer. Fra fol 127 starter en svag skjold i indre margin som gennem siderne breder sig i teksten. Fol 187-89 repareret med tab af lidt tekst i nederste hjørner. Lidt brunpletter og svage skjolder, mest i marginer. Første tekstside med bred træskåren ramme efter forlæg af Hans Holbein. Iøvrigt en del træskårne initialer.

Folio. Beautiful recent full mottled calf binding in old style w. raised bands on back. Title-page mounted w. a few restorations and a bit of waterstaining. From f. 127 and throughout weak foxing to inner margin, which further on streches out into the text. Ff. 187-189 repaired w. a bit of loss of text to lower corners. A few brownspots and weak waterstaining, mostly marginal. First leaf of text w. a broad woodcut frame, made after Holbein. Many woodcut initials. (16), 189 ff.

The rare Basel-edition of Saxo. It is the second Saxo-edition, but it is rarer than the first. Ther present work constitute the first full history of Denmark for posterity and to this day the most important of all Danish historical publications. This magnificent work contains the first known written narrative of the legend of Hamlet and served as the basis for Shakespeare's play.

Denne såkaldte Basel-udgave er anden trykte Saxo-udgave og regnes for den mest sjældne.

Adams S,631. - Lauritz Nielsen, 241.

Order-nr.: 15656

DKK 20.000,00