(Paris, Bachelier), 1839. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome IX, No. 8 a. 14. Pp. (249-) 282 a. pp. (417-) 436. Arago's rapport: Pp. 250-267 - Daguerre's letter: pp. 423-429. Both issues clean and fine.
First printing of the first official and complete report of the invention of the "daguerreotype", the photographic process invented by Louis Daguerre. The presentation by Arago preceeded Daguerre's own publication "Historique de description des procédés du daguerreotype et du diorama", (1839). Together with Daguerre's letter to Arago in which he relates the process of heliography and describes his contract with Niépce to exploit the heliogrphis process. The Heliogravure was invented by Niépce
Order-nr.: 49477