Ueber die Verbindungen, welche durch die Einwirkung des Chlors auf Alkohol, Aether, ölbildendes Gas und Essiggeist entstehen.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1832. No wrappers. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von Poggendorff", Bd. 24, Zweites Stück. With titlepage to Bd. 24. Pp. (2),193-396. (Entire issue offered) Small stamps to verso of titlepage. Liebig's paper: pp. 243-295.

First apperance - published simultaneously in Annalen der Pharmacie - of Liebig's massive paper on the chlor-reactions and discovering Chloral hydrate, which was used as a sedative and hypnotic drug. He also described Chloroform independently of Soubeiran who had prepared it the year before.

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