Sur l'absorption de l'oxigène par les terres simples, et son influence dans la culture du sol..

Paris, Chez Fuchs, An VII, (1799). Without wrappers..In: "Annales de Chimie, ou Recueil de Mémoires concernant la Chemie" Tome 29, 2. Cahier. Pp. 113-224. (Entire issue offered). Humboldt's paper: pp. 125-160.

First printing of perhaps Humboldt's most importent paper in chemistry.

"In fact, immediately following this clash (the clash with Fourcroy over the vitalistic principle in organic chemistry, where Fourcroy considered "that Mr. Humboldt proceed to quickly in his explanations"), Humboldt went to Vauquelin and Fourcroy's laboratories in Paris where he sought to gain experience on the new French methodology. Thanks to this training, Humboldt wrote a memoir on the earth's absorption of oxygen that was soon to become famous (the paper offered). This memoir is also the evidence that Humboldt had joined the new way of reasoning in chemistry."(Angela Bandinella)

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