Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1823. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von Poggendorff", Bd. 74, Drittes Stück. Pp. 225-336 a. 1 engraved plate (the entire issue offered (Heft 3). Döbereiner's paper: pp. 269-273. Clean and fine.
First printing of an importent paper in the history of chemistry, spurring the study of catalysis by this invention of an automatic lighter, in which a strip of platinum foil serves as an instigator, causing a jet of hydrogen to react with oxygen and catch fire. (Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1823 C).
In the same issue are also his small paper on "Eine natürliche Glühlampe: ind Darstellung des Rinmann'schen Gruns unter flemmender Verpuffung" pp. 274-275, Berzelius's "Untersuchungen der Mineralwasser von Karlsbad, Teplitz un Königswart in Böhmen. Zweite Hälfte", Hausmann "Kurze Schilderung der geognostischen Beschaffenheit der Appenninen-Kette" pp. 307-24 etc.
Order-nr.: 43352