Evangelischer rechtgläubiger Christen und andächtiger Seelen Geistliches Bet-, Buss- und Dank-Haus.

Leipzig, Lunitius, 1673.

12mo. In contemporary full vellum with yapp edges. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. A few stains and marks to extremities. Internally nice and clean. (44), 1128, (72) pp. + 11 engraved plates and 2 frontispieces/half-titles.

The exceedingly rare first edition of Zeiss’ beautifully illustrated devotional guide intended for evangelical Christians, focusing on prayer, repentance and gratitude. The work is of the utmost scarcity and we have not been able to trace a single copy in the trade. OCLC only list 1 copy (Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm, Sweden).



Order-nr.: 61539

DKK 10.000,00