L' Estat present de l'Angleterre, avec plusieurs reflexions sur son ancien estat; traduit de l'anglois.

Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1669.

12mo. In contemporary full vellum with title in contemporary hand to spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light soiling to extremities. Internally nice and clean. (8), 368 pp.

Rare first French translation of Chamberlayne’s work on the current state of England in which he discusses its institutions, monarchy, inhabitants, crown officers, women's court, children, servants, scholarly institutions, academies and universities, government and parliament.

Edward Chamberlayne (1616-1703), Professor of rhetoric at Oxford, was a guest in several European cities during the English Civil Wars. After the accession of Charles II, he became a member of the Royal Society of London and in 1669, accompanied the Earl of Carlisle on his embassy to Stockholm. Upon his return, he became chamberlain to the Duke of Grafton, the natural son of Charles II.

(Einaudi 1017 – only the third edition, not this present first edition).

Order-nr.: 61282

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