Forsøg i Anledning af nogle Steder i Winterls Skrifter (Chemistry) (and) Om den Maade, hvorpå Electriciteten forplanter sig (Electricity and Magnetism). (and) Endnu et historisk Bidrag til Oplysning over de nye Ritterske Pendulforsøg (Physics).

Kjøbenhavn, H. Tikjøbs Forlag, 1806. Ubeskåret med originale bogtrykte omslag. Hele heftet af "Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og Oeconomie udgivet af Herholdt, Rafn, Viborg og Ørsted" (Niende Binds Tredie hefte, som samtidig er tidsskriftets sidst udgivne del). 1. Afhandling pp. 229-52 - 2. Afhandling pp. 268-75 - 3. Afhandling pp. 329-332.

First editions of three early works by Oersted. The second work is Oersted first paper on electricity and magnetism, investigations on which later made his name famous by his discovery of Electromagnetism in 1820. The paper here does not state the causal connection, but gives information of the striking analogies and parallels between the two phenomena in connection with polarization and their propagation as waves.
"Alt hvad her er sagt om Electricitetens Udbredelse, gjelder ogsaa om Magnetismens. Magnetens Virkning begynder og med en Polarisation, og maa altsaa af samme grunde, ligesom Electriciteten, udbrede sig bølgeagtigen...." (All what is said here about the propagation of electricity, also holds for magnetism. The effects of the magnet also starts with a polarization, and must, due to these same causes, just like electricity, propagate in wave-like fashion).

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