Elementare Grundlagen der statistischen Mechanik. Entwickelt besonders im Hinblick auf eine rationelle Begründung der Thermodynamik. Deutsch bearbeitet von E. Zermelo.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1905.

Later half cloth. XVI, 216 pp. Name and stamp on title. With calculations in margins, probably by former owner Christan Møller.

First edition in German of Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics (New Haven 1902). Gibbs (1839-1903), theoretical physicist and chemist who was one of the greatest scientists in the United States in the 19th century. His application of thermodynamic theory converted a large part of physical chemistry from an empirical into a deductive science. The Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics, was published in 1902. The book laid the foundation for a new branch of theoretical physics, statistical mechanics, that is not only a major field in its own right, but that also crucial to developments that eventually led to quantum mechanics.

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