Die Alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer, Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten, für Augen gestellet, In einer ausführlichen Beschreibung des gantzen Levitischen Priesterthums.

Hamburg, Frickweiler, 1722.

Folio (340 x 230 mm). In contemporary full calf with six raised bands and richly gilt spine. Binding with wear, upper and lower compartment on spine missing parts of leather. Parts of gilting to spine worn off. Boards with scratches. Edges of boards chipped with small parts of leather missing. First leaves chipped in margin and a few leaves (both text and plates) detached, but otherwise internally good and clean. (36), 1090, (142) pp. + frpntispiece and 23 full page engraved plates and 5 double page engraved plates. 

Second edition of this work on ancient Jewish practices, religious ceremonies and customs, specifically focusing on the Levitical priesthood.

Order-nr.: 61293

DKK 2.500,00