Henriette de Wolmar, ou la mere jalouse de sa fille Histoire veritable, Pour servir de suite à la Nouvelle Héloïse, par J.J.R.

Munster, Perrenon, 1769.

8vo. Bound in a very nice contemporary half calf binding with four raised bands and richlty gilt spine. Center and corners of boards with gilt flower ornamentation. Small paper-label to upper part of spine. Traces from label (ex-libris?) having been removed from verso of front board. A nice and clean copy. 143 pp.

The exceedingly rare second edition of Brument’s attempt at a sequel to Rousseau's "La Nouvelle Héloïse" with the story revolving around Henriette, the daughter of Julie de Wolmar, a central character in Rousseau's novel.
The first edition was published in Geneve in 1768 – both editions are of the utmost scarcity and are rarely found in the trade.

“Henriette de Wolmar” is part of a broader trend in the 18th century where Rousseau's “La Nouvelle Héloïse” inspired numerous derivative works, including sequels, parodies, and adaptations – all early examples of fan-fiction. The success of Rousseau's novel sparked a wave of creative responses, as readers and writers sought to expand, reinterpret or critique the original story.

In Rousseau's original work, “La Nouvelle Héloïse”, Julie is portrayed as a virtuous woman who navigates the complexities of love, duty, and social expectations. Brument's sequel, however, shifts the narrative focus to Julie's role as a mother, particularly highlighting her possessiveness and jealousy towards her daughter. This  jealousy serves as the central conflict of the story illustrating the psychological and emotional turmoil that can be within family relationships.

Provenance: Valdemar's Castle. 

Order-nr.: 61288

DKK 8.000,00