Soliloquia evangelica, oder evangelische Hertzens-Gespräche statt einer (...).

Bresslau, Brachvogel, 1728.

8vo. In a nice contemporary full calf with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. A very nice and clean copy. (14), 608 pp. + frontispiece.

The rare first edition of Pfeiffer’s work containing various meditations and reflections on the Lutheran tradition – a fine example of Pfeiffer's commitment to nurturing the spiritual life of believers through introspective dialogue and meditation.

“Pfeiffer, Christoph a German divine, noted as a hymnologist, was born at Oels in the year 1689. For two years he was assistant-preacher at Dirsdorf, when he was called, March 28, 1719, by the duke H. Chr. von Landskron to the pastorate at Dittmansdorf, near Frankenstein, in the principality of Munsterburg. Having occupied this position for twenty-seven years, he was called to Stolz, where he spent the remainder of his life, and died December 23, 1758. His picture in the church there has the motto, "Mea Christus Portio," and the following epigraph: "Mors tua vita mea est, tuaque, O dulcissime Jesu, vulnera sunt animae Pharmaca certa meoe." Pfeiffer is the author of many hymns, several of which are found in our modern hymn-books.” (McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia).

OCLC only list 1 copy (Berlin).

Order-nr.: 61175

DKK 6.500,00