חצר לשון הקדש (Ha-zer leschon ha-kodesch) Atrium Linguae Sanctae, quo exhibentur I. Consilium de studio Linguae S. (...) II. Grammaticae Hebr. compendium (...). III. Textus cum praxi Hebraeo-Analytica (...) IV. Lexici Hebraei compendium (...) V. Index Anomalorum difficiliorum.

Leipzig, 1745.

4to. In contemporary half calf with four raised bands. Wear to extremities, corners bumped, some of marbled paper on boards worn off, spine-ends chipped. Previous owner's names and annotations to front and back end papers. Title-page somewhat soiled, p. 107 miscoloured and a few occassional brownspots, but internally generalle nice and clean. (8), 163 pp. + 2 folded plates. 

Later edition of Opitz’s hight popular and influential work in which he aimed to provide scholars with the necessary tools to understand and interpret biblical texts more effectively.

Order-nr.: 60988

DKK 1.800,00