Aussfürliche und warhaffte Beschreibung des durchlauchtigsten, grosmechtigen und hochgeboren Fürsten und Herrn, Herrn Christians des Vierden dieses Namens zu Dennemarck, Norwegen, der Wenden vnd Gotten Königes, Hertzogen zu Schlesswig-Holstein, Stormarn und der Dittmarschen, Grafen zu Oldenburg und Delmenhorst, zu Koppenhagen den 29. August anno 1596 glücklich geschehenen königlichen Krönung.

Koppenhagen (Copenhagen), (Mads Vingard, sold by Heinrich Waldkirch), 1597.

4to. In contemporary limp vellum. Binding soiled and miscoloured, edges of boards missing small part of vellum. Leaf O-T2 with hole from burning in inner margin(Primarily affecting (P3-S3). Dampstain in upper margin. 104 ff (of which two are blank).

First edition of August Erich's first-hand account of Christian IV's coronation in Copenhagen in 1596. His work offers a detailed account about the proceedings, the participants and the significance of the event.

"August Erich calls himself "German Secretary to his Royal Majesty". He was present at the ceremonious coronation of King Christian IV August 29, 1596, and describes the various processions, festivities and tournaments. He also records the names of the persons taking part in the coronation and how they were dressed." (Thesaurus I, 230).

Christian IV was crowned on 29 August 1596 at the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen by the Bishop of Zealand, Peder Jensen Vinstrup (1549–1614). He was crowned with the new Crown Regalia which had been made for him by Dirich Fyring.
Christian IV (1577-1648) is probably the most famous - and infamous - king in the history of Denmark. On the one hand, he is known as the longest reigning monarch, as the patron and creator of some of the country's most significant and spectacular buildings. On the other hand, he is also known as the king who definitively crushed Denmark's dreams of being a great power.

The following year, the work was published in Danish.

Thesaurus 230
Lauritz Nielsen 573
Biblioteca Danica III,70

Order-nr.: 60932

DKK 12.500,00