Die vornehmsten Europäischen Reisen, wie solche durch Teutsch-Land, Frankreich, Italien, Holl-und Engeland, Daennemarck und Schweden, Vermittelst der dazu verfertigen Reise=Charten, nach den bequemsten Post=Wegen anzustellen

Hamburg, Benjamin Schillers Wittwe, 1713.

8vo. In contemporary vellum with title in contemporary hand to title-page. Light wear to extremities and title-page with underlignings i red, leaf p 81/82 lacking half of the paper, otherwise a good copy. (56),432; (8),384, (22) pp. + 2 frontispieces and 4 folded maps. 

Later edition, first issued 1703, became the prototype for travelling books like the Baedekers.

Holzmann-Bohatta III:11756.

Order-nr.: 60697

DKK 4.500,00