Die vornehmsten europaeischen Reisen wie solche durch Deutschland, Franckreich, Italien, Holl-und Engeland, Dännemarck und Schweden, vermittelst der darzu verfertigten Reise-Carten nach den bequemsten Post-Wegen anzustellen...

Hamburg. Conrad Neumann, 1706.

12mo. In contemporary full vellum. Light soiling to extremities. Small paper label pasted on to upper part of spine indicating the inventory number in an estate library. Closely trimmed with minor loss of outer margins of both frontispieces, otherwise internally fine. 34, (12), 420, (8), 348, (24) pp. + 2 frontispieces and 2 folded maps. 

Rare second edition of Lehmann's famous and highly popular travel-guide, a precursor to the Baedekers, which went through numerous edition throughout the 18th century. It contain information on currencies, prices, inns, postal services, etc. and the second part being devoted to to postal routes, timetables, postal carriges and postal regulations.

Order-nr.: 60645

DKK 9.500,00