Traité de Fortification, contenant les Methodes anciennes & modernes pour la construction & la Deffence des Places, et la maniere de les attaquer, expliquée plus au long qu'elle n'a été jusques à present.

Paris, Jean Jombert, 1694.

8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper label pasted on to top of spine indicating the placement in an estate library. Title-page in red/black. Small worm-tract to lower margin of first leaves, far from affecting text. A nice copy (22),256 pp. + frantispiece and 44 engraved plates

First edition.

Rumpf, 5211. 
Slooos, Warfare and the Age of printing, 8066.
Poggendorff II,341.

Order-nr.: 60603

DKK 4.800,00