Hedda Gabler. Skuespil i fire akter.

København, 1890. Samtidigt brunt halvlæderbind med rygforgyldning. Hjørner og kapitæler med slitage. Titelblad og sidste side brunet.

Originaludgaven af et et Ibsens internationalt mest berømmede værker, det norske bidrag til Printing and the Mind of Man: "Ibsen's influence on the whole course of modern drama may be indicated by the inclusion of his plays in the repetoire of every Anvant-garde theatre of his day - the Théâtre Libre, Paris, 1887, Die Freie Bühne in Berlin, 1887, and The Independant Theatre in London, 1891-" (Printing and the Mind of Man: 375).

Order-nr.: 58863

DKK 800,00