Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Erster- (Zweyter) Band.

Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78.

4to. Bound in 2 contemp. full mottled calf. Gilt spines. Title-and tome-labels with gilt lettering. Wear to top of spine on vol. I. Fronthinge on vol. II cracked and loosening. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI,(6),505,(1);(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, outlinecoloured "Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763." and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). Internally fine and clean, a few marginal brownspots. Printed on good paper.

Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his "Beschribung von Arabien", his "Reisebeschreibung von Arabien" "provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years."

"Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Y
emen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years."(Josef Wiesehöfer).

Order-nr.: 56949

DKK 32.500,00