Et Hundrede udvalde Danske Viser, Om Allehaande merkelige Krigs=Bedrivt oc anden selsom Eventyr, Som sig her udi Riget Ved gamle Kæmper, navnkundige konger, og ellers fornemme personer begivet haver, af Arilds Tid til denne Nærværende Dag. Forøget med det Andet Hundrede Viser Om danske Konger, Kæmper og Andre. Samt hosføjede Antegnelser, Til Lyst og Lærdom. I.e. One Hundred Danish Songs, About all Sorts of Curious War-Achievements and other strange Fairy Tales that have taken Place in this Kingdom due to Giants, Renowned Kings, and otherwise high ranking Personas, from the Time of Arild to this present Day. Expanded with the Second Hundred Songs about Danish Kings, Giants, and Others. Together with Attached Records, for Joy and Learning.

Kiøbenhavn, Joh. Phil. Bockenhoffer, 1695.

Samtidigt hellæderbind. Ryg med blindtrykte stempler. Titel ligeledes i blindtryk. Ryg med lidt krakeleringer. I kassette med skindforstærkninger. Kobberstukket titelblad med teksten 200 Viser... (Vedels inkluderet). Bogtrykt titelblad trykt i rød/sort. (48),783,(11 - Register) pp. Med navnetræk af tidligere ejere: P. von Gersdorf (øverst på det kobberstukne titelblad) og J.C.P. Wormskjold. Usædvanligt velbevaret eksemplar med nogle få svage skjolder og enkelte brunpletter.

Contemporary full calf binding. Spine with blindstamped title and decorations. Leather on spine with cracks. Housed in slip-case with leather edges. Engraved title-page with the text "200 Vider..." (including those of Vedel). Printed title-page in red and black. Title-page with the ownership signatures of P. Gersdorf J.C.P. Wormskjold. Unusually well preserved copy with only minor vagie damp staining and very little brownspotting. (48), 783, (11 - Index) pp. 

Den yderst sjældne originaludgave, her tilmed i det egentlige førsteoplag idet der findes 3 forskellige tryk med samme årstal, de 2 med træstukket titelblad, hvor førsteoplaget (som her) har kobberstukket titelblad. Thesaurus (II,676) anfører, at de "to sidste er dog sandsynligvis først udkommet efter århundredskiftet". Et monument i dansk litteratur idet Peder Syv her viderefører Anders Sørensen Vedels Visebog.

Exceedingly scarce first edition, in the even scarcer first issue, of this monument of Danish literature, folk tales, folk song, and story telling.

Three issues appeared with the same year on the title-page; only the first issue has the engraved title-page. According to Thesaurus, the two other issues were presumably only issued after the turn of the century, even though the bear the printing date 1695. 

Peder Syv’s magnificent work collecting the songs narrating the tales about our kings, giants and other greats is one of the most important treasure troves of Danish and Scandinavian folk songs and tales. The work contains Anders Sørensen Vedel’s 100 songs, to which is added another 100 songs taken from manuscripts, fly leaves, and word-to-mouth, also preserving translations of skaldic epics that would otherwise have been lost. He also included a few contemporary poems, such as Laurids Kok’s “Danmark dejligst, Vang og Vænge, which is one of the most beloved songs about our country, printed here for the first time.

The work was very popular and was reprinted several times in the 18th century.

Thesaurus II,676. - Bibl. Danica IV,192.

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