Nouveau Voyage Autour Du Monde Ou L'on Decrit En Particulier L' Istme De L' Amerique, Plusieurs Cotes & Isles Des Indes Occidentales, Les Isles Du Cap Verd, Le Passage Par La Terre Del Fuego, Les Cotes Meridionales De Chili, Du Perou, & Du Mexique [...]. 5 vols.

Rouen, Chez Jean-Baptiste Machuel, rue Etoupee, 1723.

12mo. In five uniformly sprinkled full calf bindings with red leather title-label with gilt lettering to spines. Richly gilt ornamentation to spines. Gilt stamp on front board of all five volumes. Small white label pasted on to fop left corner of pasted down front free end-papers and small stamp to title-pages. A fine set. Vol. I: (12), 408, (24, last blank) pp.; vol. II: (4), 396, (10) pp; vol. III: (8), 393, (11) pp.; vol. IV: (8), 9-20; (2), 3-381, (15, last blank) pp.; vol. V: (4), 363, (25), pp. + 3 engraved frontispieces, 15 maps and numerous plates.

The not common second printing of the French translation of William Dampier famous "A New Voyage Round the World". After impressing the Admiralty with his book 'A New Voyage Round the World' (First published in 1697), Dampier was given command of a Royal Navy ship and made important discoveries in Western Australia, before being court-martialled for cruelty. On a later voyage he rescued Alexander Selkirk, a former crewmate who may have inspired Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
"Dampier was the best known of the famous group of English bucanneers that tormented the Spaniards in the South Sea from 1680 to 1720. (...) It was on one of [his] trips that the first landing was made by the English on the Australian mainland, at the entrance of King Sound on the northwest coast, in 1688 " (Hill)

Sabin, 18383
Hill pp 77-78.

Order-nr.: 54769

DKK 15.000,00