Dictionnaire de chymie, contenant la théorie & la pratique de cette science, son application à la Médecine & l’economie animale. 2 vols.

Paris, Lacombe, 1766. 8vo. In two contemporary full sprinckled full calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. Corners and spines with wear, and waterstain affecting lower half of the last third of volume 1, otherwise a fine set. XXVI, (2), 616 pp.; (4), 686, (2) pp.

First edtion of this landmark work "which may be regarded as the first scientific work of its class." (Ferguson I:p.60) and is considered the "first modern dictionary of chemistry" .

"An ecnyclopedia of all that was then known about chemistry, the Dictionnaire is Marcquer's most important work and a milestone of chemical literature. Begun in 1763, Macquer published it anonymously bacause he was concerned that his reputation might suffer as he had not been able to make it as perfect as he wished. He need not have worried, as the work received very favorably reviews shortly after it appeared. Containing more than five hundred articles in alphabetical order, it was preceded by a brief pattern for many later chemical dictionaries." (Neville, vol2. p. 112).

"By far the most important of Macquer's works: there had been technical dictionaries before but this was the first dictionary of theoretical and general chemistry; its success soon produced many imitators". (Duveen).

Blake 282; Cole 862; Coleby 22; Duveen 377; Edelstein 1509; Ferchl 332

Order-nr.: 52784

DKK 9.000,00