Centuria I. Quaestionum Logicarum, Rhetor Carum, Physicarum, Metaphysicarum, Ethicarum, Metaphysicarum... Decas I-X. (Defendam 1: Philip Horst. - 2. Theodor Bergman. - Engelbert Schumacher. - 4. Friderich Grevius. - 5. Ernest Hettenbach. - 6. Friderich Lyser. - 7. Johannes Stephanius. - 8. Wilhelm Lyser. - 9. Henric Drevelerus. - 10. Henric Schilling.

Witegergae (Wittenberg), Johannes Gorman, 1608. 4to. No binding but bound together. All 10 dissertations with own title-page and all with broad woodcut border. Unnumbered. With general title-page and Index to the dissertations. (8) pp. Each from 24-28 pp. A few old annotations and underlinings.

Order-nr.: 49240

DKK 3.000,00