Sur la théorie de la transformation des fonctions abéliennes. (§§ I,II,III a. IV,V,VI). 2 papers.

(Paris: Gauthier-Villars), 1855. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences", Vol 40, No 5 + 6. Pp. (205-) 260 a. pp. (261-) 324. (2 entire issue offered). Hermite's paper's: pp. 249-256 a. 304-309.

First printing of Hermite's importent paper in which he created the theory of transformations.

"Another topic on which Hermite worked and made important contributions was the theory of quadratic forms. This led him to study invariant theory and he found a reciprocity law relating to binary forms. With his understanding of quadratic forms and invariant theory he created a theory of transformations in 1855. His results on this topic provided connections between number theory, theta functions, and the transformations of abelian functions."

"Hermite’s 1855 results became basic for the transformation theory of Abelian functions as well as for Camille Jordan’s theory of "Abelian" groups. They also led to Herrnite’s own theory of the fifth-degree equation and of the modular equations of elliptic functions."(DSB).

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