Elektrische Endomose und Strömungsströme.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1914. 8vo. In the original printed wrappers. Author's presentation offprint with the printed presentation statement on top of frontwrapper "Überreicht vom Verfasser" [i.e. "Given by the author"]. Offprint of Smoluchowski's chapter in "Handbuch der Elektrizität und des Magnetismus". Very fine and clean. Pp. 366-428.

Scarce offprint with the author's printed presentation statement of Smoluchowski's important contribution to the "Handbuch der Elektrizität und des Magnetismus" in which he developed his theory of electroosmotic flow.

"From 1899 Smoluchowski worked at the University of Lvov. Appointed professor in 1900, he held the chair of mathematical physics there until 1913. His first works at Lvov concerned atmospheric physics, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, electrophoresis, and the theory of mountain folding. Recognition for these specialized works was show by his being asked to write the chapter on endosmosis phenomena in Handbuch der Elektrizitätund des Magnetismus, edited by J. A. Barth (Leipzig, 1914)." (DSB).

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