Ueber diejenigen Probleme der Variationsrechnung, welche nur eine unabhängige Variable enthalten (+) Vermischte Sätze und Aufgaben.

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1858. 4to. As extracted from "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 55. Band, 1858"., without backstrip. Fine and clean. [Clebsch:] Pp. 335-355; [Steiner)] Pp. 356-378.

First printing of these two important papers by Clebsch and Steiner.

"German mathematician whose work on algebraic geometry was considered the first and most fundamental work in that branch of mathematics. Clebsch also developed a brilliant interpretation of some of Georg Riemann's work on function theory and investigated some aspects of algebraic geometry using approaches that differed from convention, focusing on algebraic interpretations rather than geometrical ones. Clebsch also founded an important journal, Mathematische Annalen before his premature death at the age of 39." (Schlager, Science and Its Times, P. 267)

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