Ueber symbolische Darstellung algebraischer Formen.

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1861. 4to. As extracted from "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 59. Band, 1861". Without backstrip. Fine and clean. [Clebsch:] Pp. 1-62.

First printing of Clebsch's early and founding paper on the symbolic method in invariant theory. The Symbolic method is based on treating the form as if it were a power of a degree one form, which corresponds to embedding a symmetric power of a vector space into the symmetric elements of a tensor product of copies of it.

"Clebsch completed the symbolic calculus for forms and invariants created by Aronhold, and henceforth one spoke of the Clebsch-Aronhold symbolic notation. Clebsch’s own contributions in this field of algebraic geometry include the following. With the help of suitable eliminations he determined a surface of order 11n - 24 intersecting a given surface of order n in points where there is a tangent that touches the surface at more than three coinciding points. For a given cubic surface he calculated the tenth-degree equation on the resolution of which the determination of the Sylvester pentahedron of that surface depends. For a plane quartic curve Clebsch found a remarkable invariant that, when it vanishes, makes it possible to write the curve equation as a sum of five fourth-degree powers. At the end of his life Clebsch inaugurated the notion of a "connex," a geometrical object in the plane obtained by setting a form containing both point and line coordinates equal to zero." (DSB)

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