Über die Intensität des durch die Atmosphäre reflectirten Sonnenlichts.

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1848. 4to. In the original printed wrappers, without back strip. In "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik", 36. band, Heft 3, 1848. Entire third heft offered. Fine and clean. Pp. 185-244. [Entire volume: Pp. 185-282 + 3 plates.].

First printing of Clausius early and important paper on the influence of the atmosphere on sunlights.

"In one paper, dealing mainly with the problem of reflected light in the sky, Clausius’ distinctive approach to many physical questions was already apparent: an excellent grasp of the fundamental facts and equations relevant to the phenomena, a microscopic model to account for them, and an attempt to correlate the two with mathematics. For example, Clausius imagined that the blue color of the sky arose from the preferential reflection of blue light from thin films of water. He postulated, therefore, the existence of water bubbles in the earth’s atmosphere and investigated mathematically the requisite conditions of number, size, and thickness." (DSB).

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