Christliche Schriften. 5 Samlungen (all). I: 1) Von der Gabe der Sprachen am ersten christlichen Pfingstfest. 2) Von der Auferstehung, ald Glaube, Geschichte und Lehre. II: Vom Erlöser der Menschen. Nach unsern drei ersten Evangelien. III: Von Gottes Sohn, der Welt heiland. Nach Johannes Evangelium. IV: Von Geist des Christenthums. Nebst einigen Abhandlungen verwandten Inhalts. V: Von Religion, Lehrmeinungen und Gebräuchen.

Riga, 1794-98.

Small 8vo. Bound uncut in five contemporary, uniform paper bindings with gilt title-labels to spines. Spines a bit darkened and with a bit of wear, especially to capitals. Some very light occasional brownspotting. Overall an exceptionally nice set, in original condition, and fully complete with all the general and specific title-pages. Old owner's name in neat, contemporary hand, dated "Uppsala 1798" to inside of front board of volume 1. (2), 184 + (2), 303 + (2), XIV, 416 + (2), XIV, 312 + (2), XIV, 320 pp.

First edition of all volumes of Herder's seminal "Christliche Schriften", very rarely found together in a contemporary, uniform set as here.

Order-nr.: 46610

DKK 12.000,00