On fluid Chlorine. Communicated by H. Davy. Read March 13, 1823. (With Davy's Note on the Condensation of Muriatic Acid Gas into the liquid form).

(London, W. Nicol, 1823). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1823 - Part I. Pp. 160-165. Clean and fine.

First appearance of this famous paper in which Faraday describes his procedure to obtain liquefaction of chlorine and some of its properties.

Faraday made an analysis of chlorine hydrate..., finding the composition... He showed the results to Davy, who suggested that he should heat this compound in a sealed tube. The result was the liquefaction of chlorine, reported in a note at the end of the paper"(Partington IV:p. 105).

Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1823 C.

The paper comes together with Humphry Davy "On a new phenomenon of electro-magnetism", pp. 153-159 and Charles Bell's importent works on the physiology of the eye "On the Motion of the Eye, in illustration of the uses of the muscles and nerves of the orbit", pp. 166-186 a. 1 engraved plate. + "Second Part of the Paper on the nerves of the Orbit", pp. 289-307.

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