Chirurgisk=cliniske Forelæsninger i Hotel-Dieu i Paris. Paa Dansk udgivne af John Rørbye. 4 Bd.

Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1835-39. Bound in 4 contemp. hcloth. Light wear to top of spines. IV,325;(4),328;338;384,(1) pp. Internally with some scattered brownspots.

First Danish edition of Dupuytren's famous work "Lecons orale de clinique chirurgicale", Paris 1832 ff. The work contains his classical classification of burns and is also a pioneer-work in the field of plastic chirurgy.

"Dupuytren was born in poverty and died as a millionaire. He became the best surgeon of his time in France. He was "a shrewd diagnostician, an operator of unrivalled aplomb, a wonderfull clinical teacher, and a good experimental physiologist and pathologist"(Garrison); his greatest contribution were in the field of surgical pathology."(Garrison & Morton: 2247 (the French edition).

Order-nr.: 46077

DKK 1.850,00