De Duabus Aequationibus quarti et sexti Gradus quae in Theoria linearum et superficierum Secundi Ordinis occurrunt. Commentatio Algebraica... Universitatum Litterarum Vratislaviensi..

Berlin, Typis Reimerianis, 1856. 4to.No wrappers as issued. (2),24 pp. Some additions in pencil on the first 3 pages. Inscribed on titlepage "Viro amicissimo Kummer/ autore" (Ernst Eduard Kummer, the famous mathematician, was Joachimsthal's teacher).

First edition of Joachimsthal's second "Habilitationsschrift" published the year when he was called to Breslau as professor in mathematics.

Today Joachimsthal's name is associated with "Joachimsthal Surfaces", which possess a family of plane lines of curvature within the planes of a pencil; the Joachimsthal theorem concerning the intersection of two surfaces in three-dimensional real Euclidean space along a common line of curvature; and a theorem on the four normals to an ellipse from a point inside it.

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