Über die Vertauschung von Parameter und Argument bei der dritten Gattung der Abelschen und höhern Transcendenten (+) Über einige der Binomialreihe analoge Reihen (+) Über eine neue Methode zur Integration der hyperelliptischen Differentialgleichungen und über die rationale Form ihrer vollständigen algebraischen Integralgleichungen.

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1846. 4to. No wrappers. In "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Hrsg. von A.L. Crelle, 32. Band, Drittes Heft". No backstrip. A fine and clean copy. Pp. 185-196; Pp. 197-204; Pp. 220-226.

First printing of three paper's by Jacobi on differential mathematics and Abelian functions.

"Most of Jacobi's fundamental research articles in the theory of elliptic functions, mathematical analysis, number theory, geometry, and me-chanics were published in Crelle's Journal fue die reine and angewandte Mathematik. With an average of three articles per volume, Jacobi was one of its most active contributors and quickly helped to establish its international fame
none of his gifted students could escape his spell: they were drawn into his sphere of thought, worked along the manifold lines he sug-gested, and soon represented a "school". C. W. Borchardt, E. Heine, L. O. Hesse, F. J. Richelot, J. Rosenhain, and P. L. von Seidel belonged to this circle; they contributed much to the dissemination not only of Jacobi’s mathematical creations but also of the new research-oriented attitude in university instruction. The triad of Bessel, Jacobi, and Neumann thus became the nucleus of a revival of mathematics at German universities.." (DSB)

Order-nr.: 45783

DKK 1.000,00