Quelques Idées sur une nouvelle Force agissant dans les Combinaisons des Corps Organiques.

Paris, Crochard, 1836. No wrappers. In: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.", 2e Series, tome 61, Cahier 2. Pp. 113-224. (entire issue offered). Berzelius's paper: pp. 146-151. With titlepage to Tome 61.

First French edition of this importent paper in the history of chemistry in which Berzelius advanced the concept of 'Catalysis', and described inorganic reactions by way of metals and the biological reactions by enzymes. The paper on Catalysis was first published in his "Årsberättelse" (Annual Survey) in 1835. - Axel Holmberg 1836:14. - Partington IV, pp. 263-64

"This is a new force in inorganic and organic nature, bringing into being chemical activity, and more widely distributed than has hitherto been thought, the naure of which is completely concealed. If I all it a new force it is not my meaning that it is independent of the electrochemical relations of matter, but on the contrary I can only assume that it is a special kind of manifestation of these. So long as its nature and relations are unknown it will be convenient to considerit a new force, and to give it a name."(Berzelius).
Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1836 C.

The issue contains furthermore two importent papers by the founder of modern organic cemeistry, Auguste Laurent "Sur l'Acide Naphtalique et ses Combinaisons", pp. 113-125 and "Théorie des Combinaisons Organiques", pp. 125-151.
Laurent: A founder of modern organic chemistry, Laurent was one of the most important chemists of the nineteenth century.

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