Recherches expérimentales sur l'Electricité. § I-V. (I. Sur l'induction des courans l'èlectriques. II. Sur le développement de l'électricité par le magnetisme. III. Sur une nouvelle condition électrique de la matière. IV. Sur les phénomènes magnétique de M. Arago. V. Induction magnéto-électrique terrestre.). Nos 1-139, 140-264. (2 Papers).

Paris, Crochard, 1832. Contemp. hcalf., gilt spine, light wear along edges. In: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.", tome 50, Series 2. (Entire volume offered). 448 pp. 2 folded engraved plates. Faraday's papers: pp. 5-67 a. pp. 113-162.

First French editions of the 2 first memoirs of Faradays groundbreaking researches on electricity, constituting the first 2 papers of his "Experimental Researches in Electricity", and containing his fundamental discovery of electromagnetic induction, THE FOUNDATION OF NEARLY ALL THE ELECTRICITY IN USE TODAY. In 1820 Oersted had generated magnetism from electricity, Faraday here finds the opposite effect, generating electricity by magnetism. He also described the first electrical generator (second paper). THESE PAPERS ARE SOME OF THE GREAT CLASSICS OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS.

"Faraday demonstrated this theory involving the lines of force....by inserting a magnet into a coil of wire attached to a galvanometer. While the magnet was being inserted or removd, current flowed through the wire. If the magnet was held stationary and the coil moved over it one way or the other, there was current in the wire. In either case the magnetic lines of force about the magnet were cut by the wire.If the magnet and coil were both held motionless, whether the magnet was within the coil or not, there was no current...Faraday hd thus discovered electricalinduction...It was to lead to great things, but this was not apparent."(Asimov).

"Although his discovery of the electric motor and the dynamo was almost entirely identical to his theoretical discoveries, it laid the foundation of the modern electrical industry - electric light and power, teælephony, wireless telegraphy, televison etc. - by providing for the production of continous mechanical motion from an electrical source, and vice versa." (PMM, 308).

Horblit, 29 - Milestones, 62. - Dibner, 64. - PMM, 308.

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