Des Changemens dans la système de Minéralogie chimique, qui doivent nécessairement résulter de la proprieté qur possèdent les corps isomorphes, de se remplacer mutuellement en proportions indéfinies.

(Paris, Crochard, 1826).

No wrappers. In: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.", tome 31, Cahier 1. Halftitle to vol. 31.Pp.5-112 a. 1 folded engraved plate. (The entire issue offered). Berzeliu's paper: pp. 5-36.

First appearance of a milestone paper in chemistry. In this paper Berzelius drew up the table of atomic weights of the elements, which, with only a few exceptions are similar to those used today. He symbolizes the elements by the first or two letters of the Latin name of the element, and he symbolizes compounds by stting the element symbols together together with the number of atoms involved when grater that one. This is the importent revison of his system announced in 1818.

"In 1819 Mitscherlich showed that similarity in chemical structure is accompanied by identity of crystalline form (Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism). berzelius realized at once that Mitscherlich's findins called for importent changes in his own system. he accordingly published a new table of atomic weights in 1826 (the paper offered)."(Taton "Science in the 19th Century", p. 279). - Holmberg, Bibliografi öfver Berzelius, nr. 29.

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