On a new principle of constructing His Majesty's Ships of War. Read March 10, 1814.

(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1814). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1814 - Part II. Pp. 285-302 a. 1 large folded (double-page) engraved plate.

First printing of an importent paper in naval architecture.
"Despite opposition he (Seppings) introduced improvements in ship-construction. He increased the longitudinal strenght of the vessel by a system of diagonal bracing, and strenghtened the bows of the stern, so that they offered better protection to the crews and permitted a powerfull armament to be fitted. Seppings was surveyor of the navy from 1813 to 1832."(Encycl. Britt.).

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