Further Observations on the Spectra of some of the Nebulae, with a Mode of determining the Brightness of these Bodies.

(London, Taylor and Francis, 1866). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions", Vol. 156 - Part I, pp. 381-397.

First appearance of a pioneer paper in astronomy in which Huggings relates spectra to brightness of stars and nebulae.

"In my former papers, "On the Spectra of some of the Nebulae", and "On the Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Orion", I described the results of a prismatic examination of the light of some of the objects in the heavens which have been classed together under the common denomination of Nebulae. The present paper contains the results of the application of the same method of research, with the same apparatus, to the light of others of the same class of bodies. To these observations with the prism are appended the results of an attempt to determine the intrinsic intensity of the light emitted by some of the nebulae which give a spectrum indicating gaseity." (Huggins in Introduction).

"William Huggins (1824-1910), English astronomer, a pioneer in spectroscopy and photography. He examined spectroscopically the chemical constitution of stars and comets, and the gaseous nature of planetary and diffuse nebulae; he applied the Doppler Principle to the measurement of the radial velocities of stars, and published an atlas of representative stellar spectra" (Ripley: Source Book in Astronomy).

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