Ueber die wahre Natur des Sauerkleesalzes, und seine künstliche Erzeugung; (+) (Vermischte Chemische Bemerkungen) Brief vom Hrn. Scheele in Köping (an Crell). (2 papers).

Helmstädt und Leipzig, J.G. Müllerschen Budhhandlung, 1785. Small 8vo. Orig. printed blue wrappers, no backstrip. In: "Chemische Annalen...von Lorenz Crell", 17885:1. Bd., 2. Stück. (2),(99-) 192. - Scheele's papers: pp. 112-115 a. pp. 153-155.

First appearance of 2 papers by the discoverer of oxygen. - The second paper, as a letter to Crell, criticises the view that fixed air is the source off all other acids, a view held by Landriani.- (Partington III:p. 231).

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