Principes de la Trigonometrie Spherique tirés de la Méthode des plus Grands et plus Petits (Principles of spherical Trigonometry deduced from the Method of Maxima and Minima). (And same author:) Élémens de la Trigonometrie spheroidique tirés de la Methode des plus Grands et plus Petits (Elements of spheroidal Trigonometry derived from the Method of Maxima and Minima).

(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1755). 4to. Without wrappers as issued in "Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres", tome IX, pp. 223-257 and 1 folded engraved plate (a tear to plate, no loss), and pp. 258-293 and 1 folded engraved plate.

Both papers first edition. The modern form of trigonometry as well of all trigonometry are due to Euler. Whereas trigonometry before Euler was concerned with trigonomic Lines, Euler's trigonometry deals with trigonomic Function. - "In the first paper Euler constructs spherical trigonometry as the intrinsic geometry of the surface of the sphere. He expresses the line element ds of the surface in terms of the longitude and latitude of a point, defines the great circles as curves that minimize the integral of the line element, and, in connection with with the determination of the minimum of a side of a spherical triangle, derives 10 equations of spherical geometry.. After the discovery that the shape of the earth is that of a spheroid, Euler, (in the second paper here offered) extended his methods to spheroids. He develops this subject in its entirety...and here deduced very many of the formulas of spherical geometry" (Rosenfeld & Abramovich). - Enestrom: E:214 a. E: 215. - Another Paper by Euler is withbound: Examen d'une Controverse sur la Loi de Refraction de Rayon de differentes Couleurs par Rapport a la diversité des Milieux transparens par lesquels ils sont transmis." pp. 294-320. (Enestrom: E 216.

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